Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Drug Use - 624 Words
Drug Use Drug use is part of life in the United States. Some people use drugs for medical purposes and some use them to escape from reality or as a way to cope with problems. There are two main types of drugs, medicines and psychoactive drugs. Medicines are used to help the body fight injury and psychoactive drugs are used to cause a change in the users brain activity. Psychoactive drugs are very dangerous. They produce very powerful changes in the body. What a drug does is called its action and unwanted effects are called side effects. The side effects of a psychoactive drug can range from uncomfortable to life threatening. Abuse of a psychoactive drug often results in dependence or addiction where the†¦show more content†¦Social factors are peer pressure. Your friends urge you to try a drug and you do it to be â€Å"accepted†. Another factor is personal factors. These are stress, low self-esteem and lack of confidence that can place a teen at risk. Drugs are categorized into their actions. The 3 main types of actions are depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. Depressants slow down the heart rate and breathing rate, lower blood pressure, relax muscles, and relieve tension. An example of a depressant would be heroin. Stimulants speed up body activity. And example of a stimulant is cocaine. Hallucinogens alter perception, thought, and mood and have no medical use. An example of a hallucinogen is LSD. Some drugs are made to look like other drugs and then sold on the street as the drug they resemble. These are called look-alike-drugs and can contain any kind of substance. Before a drug abuser can be helped they must first admit that they have a problem. Then they can seek treatment. There are different ways to treat drug abuse one is called detoxification. This program involves gradual but complete withdrawal from the substance. Another treatment method is called therapeutic communities. In this treatment, drug abusers live in a facility and learn to adjust to drug free lives. Another type of treatment is methadone maintenance treatment.Show MoreRelatedLegalizing Drug Use2273 Words  | 10 Pagesthree philosophers that I will use in this critique will be Karl Marx, John Stewart Mill, and John Locke. The reason why I picked these three philosophers is because they all agree with some aspects of my writing, while disagreeing with others. One will disagree with the role of the state and the citizens, but agree with legalizing recreational drug use, while the other two will agree with the role of the state and citizens, but disagree with legalizing drug use. Karl Marx is the philosopherRead MoreDrugs And Drug Use870 Words  | 4 Pagesrelates to juveniles doing drugs. They do not just get the idea one day to do drugs without first being exposed to it by someone close to them or just seeing someone do it in front of them. 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