Friday, May 22, 2020
Movie, Blade Runner, The City And People Are Very Similar...
In the movie, Blade Runner, the city and people are very similar. They are both very different and mysterious. The characters are not very well explained at first so give that mystery feel to them. The city is very dark and different that other normal cities which make the city also look mysterious. The director did this to add depth to the film and have the unknown so you can interpret your own ideas into the movie. The city and the people are all characters in a film. They are the parts of the film that tell the story. The characters all play important roles. Without all of them the movie would not be the same. It could have the same storyline but with different people and a different city it becomes a new film. The city helps show the hidden meanings in movies that the characters don t say. If they did say these things the city showed it would be a long boring movie. In books these meanings are normally written but because there are no words in movies normally, the dire ctor must show these thoughts. He will normally show this through the weather of the city or just they way the city is acting. The city may be a busy city with cars running around everywhere or really quiet with no one on the streets. The movie’s characters and cities are both needed to create a scene that has depth and is interesting. If neither of these are visible then the film could not have been written very well. Both the city and people should be similar to have the film make sense.Show MoreRelated Ridley Scotts Blade Runner Essay2557 Words  | 11 PagesRidley Scotts Blade Runner In 1982 Ridley Scott’s movie â€Å"Blade Runner†was quietly released and received mixed reviews7. As time passed the movie’s fan base expanded and today, many consider it to be one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Socialism in The Jungle Essay - 1109 Words
Socialism in The Jungle The Rudkus family arrived from Lithuania to find Chicago as a city in which justice and honor, womens bodies and mens souls, were for sale in the marketplace, and human beings writhed and fought and fell upon each other like wolves in the pit, in which lusts were raging fires, and men were fuel, and humanity was festering and stewing and wallowing in its own corruption. (Pg.165) The city, during the time span of the novel, was truly a jungle-like society in which Upton Sinclair found much fault and great room for improvement. Sinclair perceived the problem in American society to be the reign of capitalism. In The Jungle, he presented the reader with the Rudkus family; who encountered a great deal of†¦show more content†¦Courts at this time were solidly pro-business, and not receptive to workers claims of employer responsibility for workplace accidents. Jurgis and his family were faced with many predicaments related to these poor surroundings and circumstances. The family hastily saw that they must enter the competition forced upon them in a social Darwinist fashion. When he first arrived in Packingtown, Jurgis found work quickly in the meat packing industry because of his strong, young stature. As the years went by, however, and he grew plagued with injuries and financial troubles, Jurgis found work to be evermore difficult to obtain and hold. The social system cracked down on the family and offered nowhere for the Rudkus to turn for help. Not only did the family stumble upon difficulties in their workplaces, but in basic living conditions as well. Jurgis and his family witnessed such atrocities, as baby Antanas tragically drowning in the unpaved roads, devastating financial loss through misinformation concerning the purchase and custody of their house, and unsanitary meat packed and sold for regular consumption. Such incredible pandemonium was involved with virtually all of the Rudkus familys daily activities and never ceased to cause anxiety and worry in their overburdened lives. This desolation drove family members to radical attempts at survival and hope for some means of liberation from their atrocious new lives in America. AtShow MoreRelatedSocialism in The Jungle1715 Words  | 7 PagesSocialism in â€Å"The Jungle†By Tyler Dobson Sinclair’s The Jungle is a novel that tends to advocate for socialism as a remedy for the evils of capitalism that has dominated a society. Upton Sinclair’s piece was written in 1906, at a time when many European immigrants had migrated to the United States with the hope of becoming prosperous in their lives. However, their expectations were not met as some of them ended up being unemployed and those who managed to get jobs like Jurgis Rudkus inRead MoreSocialism And Capitalism In Upton Sinclairs The Jungle876 Words  | 4 PagesSinclair is trying to argue in his novel, The Jungle. Sinclair makes a strong case for Socialism, describing why capitalism is bound to fail. Instead of having the desired effect of making the world aware of Socialism, his tactics of muckraking and yellow journalism to expose the conditions in the meatpacking facilities took the world by storm. Sinclair’s vivid depictions of life in the Chicago stockyard changed the world in 1906, but it did not bring Socialism into the public eye as he had hoped; insteadRead MoreSocialism And Capitalism In Upton Sinclairs The Jungle1003 Words  | 5 PagesSInclair’s novel, The Jungle, is a novel based on the â€Å"Gilded Age†in american history. It is the life of a working man named Jurgis Rudkus and as the story progresses, it shows the corruption and dishonesty of the people during this time period, as well as their reasoning behind their actions. Also as the novel continued, it showed the authors inspiration for the title of this novel. Throughout the book, Upton Sinclair had scattered metaphors as to why Capitalism is corrupt and why Socialism is better. WithRead MorePromoting Socialism Through Animalistic Connotations in â€Å"The Jungle†981 Words  | 4 PagesIn Upton Sinclair’s novel â€Å"The Jungle†the use of animalistic terms and connotations in the depictions of both the people and the politics created persuasiv e arguments for socialism and against capitalism. Christopher Phelps’ Introduction states, â€Å"As a metaphor, ‘jungle’ denoted the ferocity of dog-eat-dog competition, the barbarity of exploitative work, the wilderness of urban life, the savagery of poverty, the crudity of political corruption, and the primitiveness of the doctrine of survivalRead MoreThe Jungle Of Upton Sinclair1670 Words  | 7 Pages Amanda Poe The Jungle Paper Dr. Barnhart 03/10/17 The Jungle Upton Sinclair came from a life of struggle. He did not start school until after he was ten years old, but was in college by the age of fourteen. He attended City College of New York until he was eighteen, and then he attended Columbia postgraduate. He studied literature, music, history, and philosophy. Sinclair’s childhood was a rough one. He saw two different sides to social class. Since his father was an alcoholic and wouldRead MoreAnalysis Of The BookThe Jungle, By Upton Sinclair1636 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The Jungle†is a novel by a renowned author by the name of Upton Sinclair. He is an American author who had an interest in addressing the improper conduct of the political and business class. He was born on September 20, 1878, in Baltimore, Maryland. As an author, he was able to publish several novels addressing important issues in the society. His novels include â€Å"The Springtime and Harvest,†which was his first novel in 1901 and â€Å"The Jungle †among many others. Through his work and dedication, heRead MoreEssay on The American Dream in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, Jr.967 Words  | 4 Pagespolitics†( Upton Sinclair gained fame in the early 1900’s from his muckraking novel, The Jungle, describing the life of a young Lithuanian immigrant, Jurgis, living in Chicago in pursuit of the American dream. Jurgis found out that America isn’t as good as it appeared; with higher wages came more expensive goods, and with cheaper houses came higher interest rates. The Jungle, a fictional novel, tells of the real horrors of working in a Chicago meat packing factory. Sinclair had goneRead MoreDorthy Day ´s Reaction to Upton Sinclair ´s The Jungle Essay860 Words  | 4 Pagestime that she began to read Upton Sinclairs The Jungle. Sinclair was a socialist whom Day most likely would have strongly related to. Day was a part of the Christian Socialist Movement and sympathized with a lot of Sinclairs ideals. At the time she was introduced to The Jungle, Dorothy Day lived in Chicago with her family. Coindentally, The Jungle was set in Chicago, and so Day could further relate to the realities depicted in the novel. The Jungle dealt with the cruel and shocking truths behindRead MoreUpton Sinclair and the Chicago Meat-Packing Industry1072 Words  | 5 Pagesbook, The Jungle. Sinclair agreed to investigate working conditions in Chicagos meatpacking plants, for the Socialist journal, Appeal to Reason, in 1904. The Jungle, published in 1906, is Sinclairs most popular and influential work. It is also his first of many muckraker pieces. In order to improve society, muckrakers wanted to expose any injustice on human rights or well-being. Therefore, it was Sinclairs goal to expose the harsh treatment of factory workers through The Jungle. The improvementRead MoreEssay about Upton Sinclair And The Chicago Meat-Packing Industry1094 Words  | 5 Pagesbook, The Jungle. Sinclair agreed to investigate working conditions in Chicagos meatpacking plants, for the Socialist journal, Appeal to Reason, in 1904. The Jungle, published in 1906, is Sinclairs most popular and influential work. It is also his first of many muckraker pieces. In order to improve society, muckrakers wanted to expose any injustice on human rights or well-being. Therefore, it was Sinclairs goal to expose the harsh treatment of factory workers through The Jungle. The improvement
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Did Kristallnacht Take Place Free Essays
1. Both sources appear to contradict each other in terms of content. The first, and most important, question risen form these two sources are which is correct in context of who organised the riots. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Did Kristallnacht Take Place? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Source A clearly states that it was a â€Å"mass attack, which he [Goebbels] and the SA were going to launch†. However, there is a clear contravention in Source B: â€Å"The Fuhrer, at Goebbels suggestion†¦ not to be organised by the party†. However, in looking at what had happened, it seems that Goebbels encouraged a nationwide press campaign to help â€Å"stir†trouble. Also, at a dinner to commemorate the Munich Putsch, Goebbels called for von Rath’s death to be avenged. These pieces of evidence do point towards riots conducted by Goebbels. It may have been, as stated in source A, that Goebbels was out of favour with Hitler and that he was trying to win back support from his Fuhrer. In source A however, whether Hitler did â€Å"squeal with delight†and slap his thigh with â€Å"enthusiasm†at the thought of riots against the Jewish minority is contestable. This is because Hitler was surprised by the extent of the pogrom, and may have been awaiting only sporadic bursts of violence from the population and not the SA. Source A, in terms of provenance, appears not to be as accurate as it seems. This is because it is only a summary by an historian nine years after the end of the First World War, and sixteen years after the events of Kristallnacht. Thus, many incidents may have been altered slightly to suit any other evidence this historian may have. Thus, a possible reason for Hitler â€Å"squealing with delight†and slapping his thigh with â€Å"enthusiasm†. However if nothing had been changed, then the very fact that the account was from a journalist, with insight to the â€Å"political behind the scenes†makes the source a significant one. On the other hand, Source B is by the Nazi Supreme Court. However the noteworthy element about this source is the fact that it is secret. Thus, meaning it is not intentionally prepared for use in the â€Å"political outside†. Therefore, there could be some element of truth in it, making it somewhat useful. However, there are some incorrect statements in the source. Consequently, I have come to the conclusion that Source A is the more useful out of the two sources for anybody studying Kristallnacht. This is because the source is a more reliable source in terms of its content. 2. The clear impression conveyed to the reader of source C is that Kristallnacht was calculated, precise attack on the Jews. Also, Mr. Buffman conveys Kristallnacht as a horrific act of terror. Mr. Buffman has written this as a first hand account, thus, many parts are down to opinion: â€Å"all of the local crowds were obviously horrified by the Nazis’ acts†. Mr. Buffman 3. All three sources convey a general meaning about the events of Kristallnacht: an event disgustingly horrific both morally and physically. Source C and E particularly support each other. Both sources mention the fact that SA/SS men in no uniform had â€Å"been provided with hammers, axes and firebombs†, destroying Jewish synagogues, homes and shops. Source C also implies a calculated, organised riot; source E also conveys this as it states that a â€Å"list of names and addresses of all Jewish shops was provided†. Source E also backs up the statement Mr. Buffman made in Source C concerning the action taken by the German population: â€Å"Most German people have nothing to do with these riots†. Source E must be a reliable source to back up Source C as it is seemingly from a civil servant, working in a day-to-day job with political administrators. Source D also talks about the horrors leading up to Kristallnacht, although not in as much detail as in Sources C and E. The German Jew talks of â€Å"acts of terror†, the ‘decrees’ passed on to force Jews to sell their belongings and â€Å"go away†, the ‘decree’ passed on by Hitler to encourage emigration. Thus, source D does insinuate to the calculated and efficient riots that the government did organise. All of these sources are first hand accounts of the attacks on the Jews on Kristallnacht, thus they must be at least accurate, in terms of what they have interpreted to have witnessed. In looking at the chronology of events leading up to and after Kristallnacht, it seems that the ‘decrees’ made were there to expel Jews from German society. Kristallnacht seemed to be a coincidence in between these events, with the Nazi’s taking full advantage of this. Examples of which are 1) the Jewish minority being forced to pay compensation after the events of Kristallnacht 2) Jews forbidden to visit theatres, cinemas or concerts and 3) expulsion of all Jewish pupils from their schools. The purpose of sources C, D and E is a united one; a need to convey the horrific events, and the truth behind the smoke-screen of newspaper headlines: â€Å"a spontaneous wave of anger†¦ cowardly Jewish murder of Von Rath in Paris†How to cite Why Did Kristallnacht Take Place?, Papers
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